International Best Practice
International Best Practice (IBP) is a framework-neutral, independent imprint of best-practice solutions. We source, create and publish guidance which improves business processes and efficiency. We deliver an ever-expanding range of best-practice guidance and frameworks to over 160 countries worldwide.
Key titles
Working with People to Deliver Successful Projects

This publication concentrates on the skills you need to deliver a project, whatever delivery method you choose to use. This guidance will not only help those active in project and programme management (as well as those in a portfolio management office), but also inspire those moving into new management roles.
Available formats:
Management of Portfolios, Programmes, and Projects: A practical guide for leaders and decision-makers

This title provides a practical guide for leaders and decision-makers to find practical solutions to help you perform more effectively and achieve your strategic objectives.
Available formats:
Metrics-based Service Management

This title provides a good mix of a good theory and practical guidance providing the ingredients to design, build and run a measurement system for IT service management.
Available formats:
A Practical Guide to Project Planning - A Step-by-step Approach
Performance-driven IT - How metrics can transform IT services and operations
IT Change Management - A Practitioner's Guide

Essential reading for anyone wishing to understand how IT change management can be implemented and put into practice within the workplace.
Available formats:
Understanding Agile - A Guide for Managers
Service Management Online - Creating A Successful Service Request Catalogue
Problem Management: A Practical Guide
Valuing Agile - The Financial Management of Agile Projects

Primarily for the Agile practitioner who needs to learn about financial management in projects and also financial planners who must understand how their techniques apply in the context of Agile projects.